Real Meaning of words used in performance reviews : Its-hilarious
Have your performance ever been evaluated by your manager? In that case, you might have come across the following terms. These terms have a deeper meaning. Here's what it really means . . .
- Outgoing Personality..........Always going out of the office
- Good Communication Skills.....Spends lots of time on phone
- Average Employee..........Not too bright
- Exceptionally Well Qualified...Made no major blunders... yet
- Work is First Priority.............Too ugly to get a date
- Active Socially........................Drinks a lot
- Family is Active Socially..........Spouse drinks, too
- Independent Worker.......Nobody knows what he/she does
- Quick Thinking...............Offers plausible excuses
- Careful Thinker....................Won't make a decision
- Aggressive.........................Obnoxious
- Uses Logic on Difficult Jobs........Gets someone else to do it
- Expresses Themselves Well.........Speaks English
- Meticulous Attention to Detail........A nit picker
- Has Leadership Qualities......Is tall or has a loud voice
- Exceptionally Good Judgment...........Lucky
- Career Minded.........................Back Stabber
- Loyal........................Can't get a job anywhere else
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